At Connections, we exist to connect as many people as possible to God, to each other, and to their purpose in life. We also believe that we are called to take the gospel to our local community, our nation, and to the world.
Learn how you can get involved.
To make a Faith Promise Pledge
We believe in the power of prayer. The best way for us to support the work being done is to commit to praying for all of our mission partners.

Rakai District, Uganda
Vana Byaruhanga, Director
The vision of MOG is to change the future of Uganda by planting local church, establishing quality Christian schools to raise up future leaders, and express God’s love by meeting pressing needs in the communities they serve.
Connections supports two specific ministries launched by MOG, both in the Lugando Region in the Rakai District of Uganda.
First, we provide the sole support for a primary school that currently enrolls over 700 children, many of them orphans. Our support includes:
- The salaries for the teaching staff of 12 educators and the support staff of 3 employees.
School supplies for all students.
2 meals each school day and weekends for students who live at the school.
Basic medical care for the students and staff.
Second, we support a fully operational medical clinic. This clinic provides free care for people in the surrounding region. Our support includes:
Salaries for medical personnel.
Medical supplies for illnesses, injuries, and maternity care.

We are here to prevent, rescue, and rehabilitate victims who are trapped in a system and society of oppression and abuse. We strive to be a voice for children who are dominated by the brutal world of modern-day slavery. Our purpose is to restore hope, healing, security, and safety to children through the power of Christ.

Phyllis Brady, Director
FIGHT stands for Freeing Individuals from the Grasp of Human Trafficking. Taking the long view and a wholistic approach, FIGHT Ministries works to develop relationships with women in the sex trafficking industry, and provides a safe place and life skills training for those who express a desire for a better life. This includes the following.
A secure campus where women and their kids can find housing.
Counseling and spiritual formation
Career skills and basic education
Animal, arts, and recreational therapy
Business experience and life skills coaching
Website: https://fightministries.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fightministries

Fellowship of Christian Athletes
To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Serving, Teamwork and Excellence.

Ted Manning, Area Representative
The vision of FCA is to “see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.” They seek to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church on local High School and College campuses.
The southwest Michigan chapter of the FCA runs weekly “huddles” (involving Bible studies and special speakers to challenge students) on High School campuses, sports camps and clinics, coaches initiatives, and missions trips. They play a big role in supporting Christian athletes area campuses, and reaching students for Christ.
Website: https://www.michiganfca.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michiganFCA/

Trevor Ellison, Associate Campus Minister
His House Christian Fellowship exists “to bring the gospel to college campuses and send students back out as world changers for Christ.” There are two campus houses at Western Michigan University that house around a dozen students each.
At a time and place where many students are leaving their parents faith, His House effectively helps students to embrace the Christian faith and leave college as faithful followers of Jesus.
They use weekly gatherings, small group Bible studies, missions trips, and retreats to reach and envision students. Students graduate and go to place all over the world to be a witness for Jesus and advance their kingdom of God.
Website: https://wmu.hhcf.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wmuhishouse/